Here's Why You Should Finish Your Songs!
Articles,  Songwriting

Songwriting Advice #3: Finish Your Songs!

This is some more advice for beginner songwriters with some ideas or tips that can be helpful to start. So maybe you are already doing these things and just want some affirmations or a place to start. Songwriting can be pretty intimidating, and I know sometimes it is hard to find tips about it so you can get in the right direction. So let’s talk about why you should finish your songs!

Sometimes songwriting may come from a place of strong emotions or passion, so you begin writing frantically only to get distracted or busy halfway through. When you come back, that desire or goal of this being your “next big hit” may fizzle out and you’re left starting from scratch. Even if you finished the song and ultimately felt like the song was not your best, sometimes it is easier to tell what you were trying to say if you have the whole picture.

So if you finish your songs it can be an essential tool when it comes to writer’s block. If you are able to push through and get the ideas on the page, it will be a great thing to come back to days, weeks, or even months down the line as a good jumping off point.

Say you’ve tried and tried but just can’t find the words for that chorus or second verse. Journaling may be helpful because then you can write down how you feel or what message you were trying to send in the song, so in the future you can try out a new style or technique.

It’s important to remember it is okay to take a step back or abandon a song – just try not to make a habit of it. Songs can be tricky and you’ll get the hang of knowing whether or not you need some space or whether or not you can push through. The more songs and ideas in your toolbox, the more valuable you’ll be when performing or stepping into a room with co-writers.

Want more songwriting advice? Check out this article!

Music Marble

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